Iztok Sitar o čudakih, ki ljubijo drugače

Stripografija enega osrednjih protagonistov slovenske devete umetnosti je prišla že do 15. albuma.
Vojko UrbančičDelo.si
pet, 23.05.2014, 15:00
Iztok Sitar o čudakih, ki ljubijo drugače
Čudaki ljubijo drugače, najnovejši stripovski album Iztoka Sitarja. Foto: Arhiv založbe UMco

Iztok Sitar, letnik 1962, risar stripov z dolgo kilometrino, ki jo prav tako dolgo prepleta tudi z angažmajem na področju ilustracije učbenikov in drugih izdaj, karikature ter raziskovanja stripovskih dosežkov v Sloveniji v preteklosti (gre za avtorja obsežnega pregleda Zgodovina slovenskega stripa 1927–2007), je izdal nov stripovski album.

Ta se bo po štirih letih premora pridružil njegovim dosedanjim 14 samostojnim izdajam, ki jih je že leta 1990 uvedel album Sperma in kri, v katerem se je, zvest naslovu, lotil tabuiziranih področij seksualnih fantazij ter raznih odklonov v družbi. Te je kot eno rdečih niti v svoji stripografji ohranil tudi v seriji drugih albumov z družbeno-kritičnimi akcenti, nazadnje, denimo, v Dnevniku Ane Tank, prav ta pa predstavlja svojevrstno predetapo tokratnih zgodb, zbranih pod naslovom Čudaki ljubijo drugače.

Album je izšel pri založbi UMco, njegova prva predstavitev pa se je včeraj zgodila v Striparnici Buch v ljubljanskih Murglah.

Sitar, ki mu ustvarjalni dnevi teko v Poljanah pri Škofji Loki, se je, kot je povedal, tudi tokrat odločil za vizualiziranje zgodb z anonimnimi, a realnimi protagonisti iz svojega lastnega okolja tik pred domačim pragom, kot obljublja že naslov albuma Čudaki ljubijo drugače, pa je v njem znova govora o soočanju z raznimi tabuji na področju erotike in spolnosti.

Album prinaša deset zgodb, med katerimi jih je bilo sedem že dostopnih bralcem Mladine, tri – Žur pri ŽanuJesenska sonata in Punca po imenu Pika – pa so natisnjene premierno. V teh zgodbah Sitar ohranja prepoznaven slog stiliziranih figur, oblečenih v izpostavljene konture in barve, a se je ekspresiji teh kontur – svojemu prepoznavnemu znaku – prvič tudi odpovedal in začel modelirati tudi le z barvami in zgolj nakazano risbo. Dobrodošel premik!

Sitar sicer tudi v najnovejšem albumu ostaja risar in scenarist. Le dve izmed zgodb sta nastali po motivih novel Vinka Möderndorferja, ena pa po kratki zgodbi Borisa Pintarja.

Vir: http://www.delo.si/kultura/knjizevni-listi/iztok-sitar-o-cudakih-ki-ljubijo-drugace.html

The great temporary exhibitions

The great temporary exhibitions

03.06.14 > 16.11.14

100 years in the Balkans

The comic strip in resistance

© Desimir Zizovi

One hundred years ago, the world learned of the existence of a city in central Europe called Sarajevo, then in Bosnia. The heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire had just been assassinated by a student belonging to a small group of nationalists. A month later, through the macabre game of criminal short-sightedness and political alliances, Europe was plunged into darkness.

While World War I is the subject of many tributes and commemorations this year, BSC has chosen to take this opportunity to pay homage to a comic strip still in resistance: the production of the countries that were formerly part of Yugoslavia.

Visitors may perhaps be surprised not to see these works shown in conjunction with comic strips from Bulgaria, Albania or Greece – countries that are just as Balkan as those which made up Yugoslavia. The exhibition designers felt that the alternative fate of the Albanians, Bulgarians and Greeks in the 20th century had spawned a production which differed from that produced between Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Skopje (Republic of Macedonia).

In order to do justice to such a vast subject, BSC has asked one of the finest specialists in this comic strip, Slovenian Štefan Simončič, to curate this exhibition. In this region of Europe which still bears the scars of civil war, it was particularly difficult to reconstruct the extraordinary panorama of comic strip creation in the six republics that made up Yugoslavia.

Visitors will soon realize that the turbulent history of this region of Europe has rebounded on this exhibition staged by the Belgian Comic Strip Centre. So many archives have been lost that it is now impossible to date some of the original works on display with any certainty. Most of all, close examination of the supports on which the artists worked reveals that creativity can overcome many difficulties, including a lack of paper!

Jean Auquier, BSC.

With the support of the Brussels-Capital region.

Tags : Museum / Strip / Exhibition

Vir: http://www.comicscenter.net/en/exhibitions/the-great-temporary-exhibitions/100-years-in-the-balkans